Monthly Archives: February 2014

Festival du Voyageur Week

photoIMG_0587 IMG_0586 IMG_0584 IMG_0583To celebrate Festival du Voyageur we have been running activities throughout the week.  Tuesday we started with 100 day. Students were encouraged to dress as if they were 100 years old to celebrate the day.  Wednesday students wore their ceinture flechee and had a pancake breakfast to start off the day.  On Thursday students wore their tuque rouge and participated in a variety of voyageur and Inuit games and activities including: La Bastringue, One Foot High Kick, Leg Wrestling, Arm Wrestling, Canoe Portage Races and others.  On Friday students are encouraged to dress up in a full voyageur costume to finish off the week.  We will be running our annual canoe races in the gym during the last two periods of the day.  We will see which class can get their teacher around the gym the quickest!

Kicking off Sochi 2014

We are all feeling the Olympic buzz at École Robert Browning.  Over the past few weeks we started off every morning with a leg of our olympic torch relay.  Each day two torch bearers were chosen from different classes.  These torch bearers carried the torch for one leg of the torch relay.  We ended the relay on Friday, in conjunction with our February assembly.  The torch was brought in by the last two torch bearers and we lit the Olympic cauldron.

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During the next two weeks students will be participating in a number of Olympic-themed activities during Phys. Ed.  Some of those activities include: Biathlon, Speed Skating, Bobsleigh Tag, Moguls and many more.

Rolls, rolls and more rolls.

Here’s just a sampling of some of the skill development we have been working on in our gymnastics unit.  Students have been working on springs, landings, rolls and supports.  Below is an example of the rolls we have been practicing over the past few weeks.