Monthly Archives: March 2017

Happy Spring Break!

Hope that everyone has a wonderful Spring Break!  Enjoy some warmer weather, some outdoor time, or whatever floats your boat.  Lots more fun and exciting activities coming up for April, May and June.

Some things to look forward to are:

Wellness Month

Divisional Speed Stacking


Marathon Club

Badminton Club

Track and Field

Tabloid Day

High 5 Run

Whatever you are up to over the next 7 days, stay safe and keep active.  See you in April!

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Mar. 13th-17th)

Our last full week of volleyball related PE classes.  Students had the chance to play some triple ball (our format of volleyball), spike ball, table ball, handball, and a few other games.  We also opened up the speedstacks for the first time in a while.

We have started having speedstacking practices over the lunch hour.  We will be starting up time trials soon to figure out who we will be taking to the divisional tournament on April 19th.

Grade 5 volleyball is also underway.  Students are practicing every day 1 & 2 during the lunch hour.  We will be participating in a tournament on May 10th at Westwood Collegiate.  We currently have 35 students participating in volleyball club!

Next week we will be starting a golf unit.  We will have the divisional SNAG golf set for two weeks.  Looking forward to getting some clubs swinging!

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (March 6th-10th)

Last week was our first full week of volleyball.  We’ve started to work on some of the skills, techniques and strategies that will help our students have success when they begin playing volleyball as part of a team.  We will continue to work on these skills with the end goal of playing “circulation volleyball”, a 4 vs 4 game played on a smaller court.

The younger grades also worked on some volleyball skills, however, they will be doing so in more of a Low Organized Games style.  They won’t have the end goal of playing a game, rather, we want them to have an idea of what volleyball is all about.

Next week we will continue with volleyball, however, with Project Fair in the gym we may be limited as to how much we will be able to do.  As a fall back we will be starting to work on our time trials for speedstacking.  The divisional tournament is on April 19th and the top 10 stackers at ÉRB will have a chance to represent us at the tournament.

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Feb 27th-Mar 3rd)

Last week in Phys. Ed. we started working on our net/wall games.  Students spent a few classes familiarizing themselves with some of the basic rules and strategies of a variety of net/wall activities.  We played 2-square, table ball, handball (not team handball) and spike ball.  These are all great lead up activities to racquet sports and also deal with a lot of the same strategies used in volleyball.

The grade 5 basketball participants had one last “kick at the can” at our district #3 friendship tournament on Friday afternoon.  Everyone played really well and did a great job representing our school.  Well done!

In the next few weeks we will be continuing with net/wall activities and starting to dive more into volleyball.  Grade 5 students should keep their ears open for announcements regarding our grade 5 volleyball club that will be starting up shortly.