Monthly Archives: November 2013

National Jersey Day 2013

On Monday, December 2nd, 2013 students are encouraged to wear their favourite jersey to school.  National Jersey Day is November 29th, however,  due to  student-led conferences that day we will be celebrating a few days later.  Looking forward to seeing everybody in their team colours.

Maisons: Round Two

Yesterday we had our second maisons meeting.  Students got together in their groups and came up with a poster that best represented their maison.  Students will display the posters outside their classrooms to show pride in their maison and help the younger students find their way to the appropriate room.  Looking forward to our next meeting already!

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A Balancing Act

This week and last, students in grades 1 to 4 have been working on balance.  We’ve spent time discussing the different types of balance (static and dynamic), and have had the opportunity to practice balancing during some games and skill building activities.

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Burning Calories With Easy Tag

After a calorie-filled week celebrating Halloween, students spent last Friday burning off some of those extra treats.  Using Dartfish’s Easy Tag app students kept track of how many laps of the gym they were able to complete during a five minute run.


Easy Tag!
Easy Tag

The discussion that followed was very eye-opening for the students.  Students learned that it takes approximately 5-10 minutes of running (depending on speed) to burn off the calories from one Halloween-sized chocolate bar or equivalent treat.  Many of the students took it upon themselves to run laps of the school yard during recess to work at burning off calories in advance of the candies that they were planning on eating later that day!


Halloween Wrap Up

Halloween was a huge success this year! During the week students had the opportunity to venture through the haunted house in the gym and played numerous Halloween-themed games during Phys. Ed. classes.  The week culminated with a costume parade in the gym and one final pass through the haunted house in full costume.  Hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween.


Can you guess who?
Can you guess who?