Monthly Archives: March 2019

Wellness Month Starts April 1st!

April 1st-April 5th: Hydration Week:

Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school for the week.  Our goal is for everyone to drink two bottles of water a day.  Students will be tracking the water they drink daily on their tracking sheet. (Shade in half the bottle after drinking 1 bottle of water).  Any type of bottle is fine, we’d like to encourage everyone to bring reusable bottles if possible.

April 8th-April 12th: Exercise Week:

Students will be participating in an “active start” every day.  We will be walking the hallways of the school for 5-10mins following morning announcements.  Students will be using their tracking sheets to track their physical activity for the week.  Each portion of the pie is 10 minutes of exercise. The goal being 60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise daily.  Exercise at home counts towards our daily goals, so please help/encourage your child to complete their 60 minutes a day.

April 15th-April 19th: Mindfulness Week:

Students will be taking part in a mindfulness lessons for approx. 10 minutes every day.  They will be tracking their mood, focus and energy level before and after mindfulness every day. I’d recommend the Headspace App (Take 10 program).  It’s a free app and the “take 10” program is a free guided mindfulness program.  You do need to create an account with the app.  Students will be participating at school, however, you are welcome to do more at home.  Headspace is a great app and there are many other mindfulness programs, apps, videos available for free online.

April 22nd-April 26th: Sleep Week:

Students will be tracking their sleep pattern for the week.  Marking down what time they go to bed, what time they wake up and how many hours of sleep they get.  We’d also like to encourage our students to limit their screen time prior to sleep, and encourage proper sleep routines.

If you want to print off a tracking sheet and follow along at home please see the link below:

École Robert Browning Wellness Month

One more before the break

The past few weeks in Phys. Ed. we’ve been doing a variety of things.  We got a chance to get outdoors and do a few more runs with the cross-country skis.  All students in grades 4 and 5 had the opportunity to get out at least a couple of times.  Looking forward to doing more next winter already.  We also hope to be part of the St. James-Assiniboia Cross-Country Ski Race next March!

We have also been very busy speed stacking.  Students have been working on their 3-6-3 and their Cycle Stack.  Everyone is hoping to post a good time and have the opportunity to represent ÉRB at the divisional tournament at the end of April.  We’ve got some very fast stackers this year!

Lastly, we’ve been working on skipping.  The students are really enjoying it.  It’s a great fitness activity and it’s perfect for the spring season.  Hope to see lots of ropes outside during recess time.

Just a heads up that registration for the High 5 Community 5km Run is now open!  You can visit the race website at for all the race information.  Hope to see you out on May 27th for the big race!

Wishing everyone a great spring break!  Enjoy the week.  We will have a busy April coming up once we are back in the swing of things.  Stay tuned for information about Marathon Club, Badminton, Volleyball and many other extracurricular activities offered in the spring.

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (March 4th-8th)

The last two weeks in Phys. Ed. we’ve been focusing on striking and fielding games.  We’ve been test running a project that some of the PE teachers in the division have been working on.  It’s a document that focuses on the “Teaching Games for Understanding” method of teaching.  We have been working through 6 lessons that teach the fundamentals of striking/fielding games (such as baseball, cricket, etc…).  The students really enjoyed all the games and activities.  It was refreshing to see how many new ways the concepts of these games could be taught/learnt.

The PE teachers in the division will be working at finalizing the project in the coming months and then we will have a complete document with lessons in all the game categories.  Next week we are going to start a unit on skipping and speed stacking.  Should be lots of fun!