Monthly Archives: October 2017

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Sept 25th-29th)

A big ‘thank you’ to all those that brought in Toonies for Terry last week!  Our school raised $483.95 to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation.  Great work everyone.  Thanks to all the parents, staff and students that came out for our walk on Thursday.  It was a beautiful day and it was a great turn out for our event!

Last week in PE classes students spent some time working on their fitness.  We did timed runs, relay races, games that focused on cardiovascular endurance and some strength activites as well.  Everyone got their hearts pumping and put in a great effort in all classes.

We also held our 2nd cross country race last Thursday.  All runners did a great job!  Looking forward to see how you all do at the divisional race on Oct. 5th.  Hopefully the weather continues to cooperate.

This week we are going to continue to work on developing our transport skills during PE classes.  We will also start organizing ourselves into teams to start up our fall intramural acitivity.  Students in grades 3-5 will have the chance to play indoor soccer in the coming weeks during the lunch hour.  The winning team at each grade level will have a chance to face off against the teachers at the end of the season.