Monthly Archives: December 2016

Happy Holidays!

One last post for 2016.  Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!  All the best in 2017!  Hope that everyone has a chance to be active over the break.  These warmer temperatures are sure making it much easier to get outdoors.  So strap on those skates, skis, snowshoes or whatever and try to get your 60 minutes a day.

In January we will be starting up a new intramural activity, organizing our grade 5 basketball season and beginning practices. We will  also be getting some aerial apparatuses rigged up in the gym in 2017, including a trapeze a circus rope and a aerial silk.  It’s going to be awesome!

Enjoy some time with your family and friends.  See you in 2017!

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Dec. 12th-16th)

This week was kind of a mixed bag.  We did some circus activities, a bit of skipping, some holiday games and celebrated the new Star Wars movie by playing a Star Wars themed game.  Everyone is running pretty high in the anticipation of the holiday break.  We’ve been trying to keep as active and as busy as possible during our PE classes.  Next week we will do more of the same.

Intramurals have wrapped up for the year.  Thanks to everyone that came out and played soccer.  Our next intramural activity will start up in January.  One other special activity planned for the month of December is our teachers vs students team handball game.  We will be playing on Thursday, Dec. 22nd in the afternoon.  Looking forward to it!


Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Dec. 5th – 9th)

Another full week of skipping, speed stacking and circus activities.  Most of the week was spent in stations giving students the chance to work on specific skills in each of the three areas.  Some students are really becoming quite fast at stacking!

Next week we will transition out of skipping, speed stacking and circus activities and move into holiday games.  We will continue to throw these activities back into the mix.  Our divisional speed stacking tournament is in April of 2017.  We are also continuing along with our Circus PE study, so students will have a chance to work on their circus skills throughout the year.

Congratulations to all our team handball players.  The girls and boys had the opportunity to play in the divisional tournament last Friday.  Everyone did a great job and really well represented our school!  Thanks to everyone for a great season!

You can see a few pictures from the tournament on our instagram account @BrowingPhysEd

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Nov. 28th – Dec. 2nd)

A week full of speed stacking and skipping  this past week.  All grade levels have spent some time building their skills in both activities.  We’ve spent some time working on individual skipping as well as long rope (group) skipping.  We will continue to work on some skipping tricks in the coming week with those students that have mastered the basics.

In speed stacking we’ve worked on a variety of stacks.  The younger groups have worked on 3 stacks, both in isolation and as part of a 3-3-3 stack.  Our older groups have also worked on 3 stacks, but also 6 stacks.  We’ve spent some time doing some basics, and have also put our skills to the test in some challenges and races.  Our most popular activity has definitely been “March Madness”, which I discovered online.  It works like a march madness playoff bracket with the slowest stacker being eliminated each round until there are only two stackers left.  More stacking to come next week!