Tag Archives: team handball

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Dec. 12th-16th)

This week was kind of a mixed bag.  We did some circus activities, a bit of skipping, some holiday games and celebrated the new Star Wars movie by playing a Star Wars themed game.  Everyone is running pretty high in the anticipation of the holiday break.  We’ve been trying to keep as active and as busy as possible during our PE classes.  Next week we will do more of the same.

Intramurals have wrapped up for the year.  Thanks to everyone that came out and played soccer.  Our next intramural activity will start up in January.  One other special activity planned for the month of December is our teachers vs students team handball game.  We will be playing on Thursday, Dec. 22nd in the afternoon.  Looking forward to it!


Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Oct. 24th-28th)

A Halloween-themed week last week in Phys. Ed. Students had the chance to walk through the haunted house (haunted basement).  We also played a few different Halloween games.  Pumpkin Patch tag, Ghostbusters, Graveyard just to name a few.  Students will be wrapping up these activities on Monday and then will be starting some curling/bowling in the coming days.

Team Handball is going strong at ÉRB.  The boys’ and girls’ teams have a record number of participants this year.  Practices have been going well.  Both teams play their first games of the season this week.  Boys play on Wednesday and the girls play on Thursday.  Best of luck to both groups!


Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Nov. 9th – Nov. 13th)

It was kind of a short, disjointed week this past week in Phys. Ed.  Students started playing some games to work on their throwing and catching abilities.  We played some dodgeball games (Jailbreak, Dr. Dodgeball and Dr. Pinguard)  We also played some Team Handball lead up activities with the older students.  We will continue to work on throwing and catching throughout the month of November.

On Tuesday the boys’ team handball team had their first game.  They did a great job and showed some really good growth in their knowledge of the game.  The other coach complimented them on the high level of defence they were playing.  Great work boys!  The girls’ team had their first game on Thursday night and were great representatives for our school.  They showed some very strong goalkeeping in the game and put in a great effort!  Next games will be on the 18th (Boys) and the 19th (Girls).  Best of luck in the rest of the season.

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Nov. 2nd – Nov. 6th)

This past week in Phys. Ed. was an assessment week.  Students played a variety of games and continued to work on their transport skills.  During games and activities students were assessed on their transport skills (running, jumping, hoping, skipping and galloping).  Students were also pulled out of the game so that M. Koester and I were able to assess the transport skills in isolation.  Students also began some dancing this week.  Later in the month we will be holding our “Dancing with R & B” annual fundraiser.  In order to prepare the students we have started to work through some dances during PE class.  Some of the classes will also act as demonstrators and had their dances filmed.  This movie will play during the dance-a-thon to help the group follow along with the dance steps.  Next week we will continue with our dancing and will also start spending some time looking a little bit at Team Handball.

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Dec. 1st – Dec. 4th)

A short week last week.  During the week students finished up their dance unit by participating in our annual Dance-A-Thon.  This year the theme was Dancing With The Stars. Students danced all afternoon to a variety of music from the early 1900s all the way to current hits of today.  The highlights were definitely the Cha Cha slide and the Hamster Dance.  Well done everyone! Looking forward to seeing how much money we raised!

On Wednesday the grade 5 team handball players participated in our district #3 friendship tournament with Sansome School and Phoenix School.  All players did a fantastic job!

During the remainder of the week we started working on some rolling activities as well as a few holiday-themed games.  This will continue into the next few weeks as we head into the winter break.

Team Handball Season Ending

Thanks to all those students that came out to play team handball this year.  We had a great season and both teams showed great improvement.  All players showed great strength and determination.  The girls’ team turned out to be a group of fantastic passers and team players!  Way to go girls!  The Boys’ team was “the little team that could”, especially only having nine players.  Well done boys!

All players will have two more opportunities to play.  Our friendship tournament is being help on Dec. 3rd, 2014 at Sansome School from 1:10-3:30pm.  The two teams will also play against the teachers during the last week of school before winter break.

A special thanks to Mme Flynn for all her help coaching this season!

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Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Nov. 17th – Nov. 21st)

This past week students continued to work on their throwing/catching skills.  The K-2 students continued to play a variety of games to work on those skills.  Students in grade 3-5 played Quidditch, the game made popular from the Harry Potter series of books/movies.  Some classes have started using their iPads in the gym to do daily assessments of their fair play, as well as self-assessments of how their body is reacting to the exercise they are doing in class.

Both team handball teams have continued to play well in their league games.  They will have a week off from games next week followed by the friendship tournament on Dec. 3rd, 2014.  Best of luck to both teams!

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Nov. 12 – Nov. 14)

During this very short week students continued to work on their throwing and catching skills. Students played a variety of games including Spaghetti and Meatballs, Individual Pin Guard, Team Handball and a few others.  They also had the opportunity to meet M. Steven Koester, our new PE teacher at ÉRB who will be working half-time for the remainder of the school year.


Both Team Handball teams had their first games, and did a fantastic job!  All players were great role models of good sportsmanship and well represented our school.

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Nov. 3rd – Nov. 7th)

As we transition into November, we are transitioning in Phys. Ed. classes too.  Last week we started making the move from the transportation skills (running, skipping, galloping, hopping) to manipulation skills (throwing, catching).  Students in grades K-2 participated in a variety of activities to work on their throwing and catching.  Some of the highlights include Angry Birds and Mission Impossible Dodgeball.

Our grade 3-5 students have started their own unit.  The end goal of the unit is to better understand the game of Team Handball.  Students started with some lead up games including: Omnikin Football, and Endzone Ball.  In the coming week they will be playing Mini Team Handball and finishing up by playing an actual game.  We will also throw in a game or two of Quidditch, the highly popular game from the Harry Potter series.

In intramural news, our École Robert Browning Premier League soccer has finished up the round robin portion of the season.  The top teams in grades 3, 4 and 5 will play versus the teachers in the coming two weeks.  Thanks to all those students that came out to play!

Last Week In Phys. Ed. (Oct. 6th-10th)

Last week grade 3-5 students kicked off their fitness reports portion of Phys. Ed.  Students participated in four different fitness tests and recorded their results.  The tests were a maximum push-ups test, maximum sit-ups test, a sit and reach flexibility test and the pacer test, also known as the beep test.

The students’ results will be compiled by M. Vermeylen and sent home this week.  Students are to share and discuss their results with their parents/guardians.  The goal for these seasonal fitness reports is to create conversation regarding Phys. Ed. at home.  Students are required to reflect on their results and work at setting attainable goals for the next set of fitness testing that will be done in the new year.  In no way should these results be interpreted against norms/averages for a specific age group or gender.  Results are used solely for goal setting and reflection and will not be included on the report cards.

Students in K-2 have continued to work on their transportation movement skills through a variety of games and activities.  Some of the more popular ones were: Indiana Jones, Batman & Robin, Mario Brothers and Sharks & Pirates.  This group will continue to work on the transportation skills in the coming week, but will focus more on skipping and hopping.

This week also marks the start of Team Handball.  Boys practice on Tuesdays and Girls practice on Thursdays.  All practices are at 8:15am  Hope to see you out!